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News & Events...

Never Miss a Single Event

Sign up for our Church eblasts Call or Text Dave at 201-406-9471

Check back here frequently or with the Rectory for updates on all events.


If you have a Prayer Request: Email:

Thoughts from the Heart

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Jesus calms the storm in the Gospel today. He also wants to calm the storms in our lives, whatever they may be.


Whatever difficulties we face, Jesus want to be with us to help us. May we always invite him into our lives.


Have a blessed week.



Father Paul

Download Our
Weekly Bulletin

For earlier issues of the bulletin Click Here and provide the week you are looking for
Marian Fest 2024


$16,100 is needed weekly in our collection to support the parish.
The offetory for the week of June 15th/16th was $6,757.00
The Vanco online offetory for the week of June 15th/16th was $1,419.63
The total offetory for the week of June 8th/9th was $8,176.63
Thank You for all your support!

Altar Flowers

We are now accepting donations for Altar Flowers for each week. Please feel free to donate for these weekly flowers. They can be used for Loving Memory, Celebrations, Healing or for another purpose for prayers in the church. Suggested donation is $50. Please contact Dawn in the Rectory with your request. 

From the Pastor's Desk
Carnival Wrap-up... Thank You!

A sincere thanks to Richard Beahm and all the many volunteers that made this year's Marian Feast and Carnival a success.

Despite a couple of days of drizzly weather, the carnival profit this year was $27,758.50. Thank you again to all who worked, attended and supported the Carnival and out Parish.

Your Generosity and willingness to give of yourselves, is what makes our Parish the great Parish it is.  

Ministry Volunteers Needed

We are looking for a couple of volunteers to re-start and run our Hospitality/Welcoming Ministry.

If you are interested, please contact our Rectory Office at 201-262-1122 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Bingo Is Back! Volunteers Needed!

Join us on Friday Nights for an evening of Fun and Games!

Doors open at 5:00 PM and numbers will be called starting at 7:00 PM.

Volunteers Still Needed!
If you are interested in volunteering one Friday per month call Maria at 201-261-5712 and leave your name and phone number someone will return your call. Thank you very much.
If you have any questions, please contact Rectory Office during regular business hours at 201-262-1122.

New Students: The Next Cycle Starts Soon - Watch for Details!
"When You Pray:
A Clear Path To A Deeper Relationship With God" - 7 sessions
Click to email for information on our next cycle! 

Assumption Youth Group Apparel Sale

New Fundraiser... You Support of Our Parish Youth is Greatly Appreciated
The Assumption Youth Group is selling branded apparel with a percentage of all sales going to support Youth Group activities. 

Pickup a flyer at the doors of the church or scan the QR code (right) to go directly to the Catalog and Pop-up Shop.

Thank You for Your Support!


Each year we are invited to participate in the Annual Appeal, which is an opportunity to support essential ministries and programs of our archdiocese.


Please note that if you do not contribute the Parish will have to makeup the shortfall from Parish Funds. Annual Appeal forms are available at the door of the church.


Your sacrificial support makes it possible for use to carry out the important work that we are called to do as missionary disciples of Jesus.


Please consider participating in this year's appeal to help make a significant  difference in many lives within our Archdiocese.  

Annual Appeal
Famil Mass is Back

We celebrate the 10:00 AM Sunday Mass as the Family Mass. We invite ALL families to come and join us at this time to praise God and celebrate the Mass as one Catholic family. 

We are looking to involve more Parishioners in getting into the spirit by joining the Choir and sing together with us on at 10:00 AM Sunday mornings.

If you are interested in joining our Sunday morning Choir, please come to our Thursday night Rehearsals at 7:30 in the Main Church and sing along with us.

If you have any questions, please call the Rectory at 201-262-1122.

Women's Online/Zoom Prayer Group - Join Us!

The Women’s Zoom Prayer Group starts again on January 10th 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

We will be reading a new book and have weekly discussions.

For information on joining us e-mail

Friday Night Adoration

Assumption Church has Adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. from the first Friday after Labor Day Through May.

There is no limit to the number of people who can come and pray! There is no limit to the graces that can be received through prayers!

New Group at Assumption!
An Intergenerational Mom's Group Connecting Moms to Moms for Sharing
and Encouragement

Whether you are a soon-to-be mom, first-time mom, seventh-time mom, adoptive mom, stepmom, foster mom or a seasoned mom (with grown children) you are welcome here. We will be working to spiritually inspire other younger moms through peer sharing and encouragement.

We are looking for group leaders and members.

Email: and tell us how you would like to take part.

Moms group 2021

Please help us with your Weekly Offering


Online Giving:

We rely on your weekly offerings to support the work of our parish and its daily operations.


Please remember your Church 

- your help is needed.


There are 3 ways to contribute :

1) By setting up online giving through Vanco  

2) By dropping your offering envelope at the rectory during business hours 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.

3) Through a new online GoFundMe Page. Our parish URL is:



There are many places on Campus to say the Rosary - Mary's Grotto, The Church, The Rosary Garden at the Spiritual Center or The Gazabo  


Come to Pray!

Spiritual Exercise


Catholic Social Teaching is the body of teaching by the pope, bishops, and other church leaders addresses the most fundamental questions of human coexistence: Who are we? What do we owe one another? How should we live together? How can we establish peace and freedom for all?


Here is how to live Catholic Social Teaching:

Life and Dignity of the Human Person

The Catholic belief in the life and dignity of the human person is the foundation of our moral vision. All life is sacred, and all people must be treated with dignity.

Call to Family, Community, and Participation

Participation in family and community is central to our faith and to a healthy society. From this foundation people participate in society, fostering a community spirit and promoting the well-being of all, especially those who are poor or vulnerable.

Rights and Responsibilities

The Catholic Church teaches that every person has a right to life as well as a right to those things required for human decency. As Catholics, we are responsible for protecting these fundamental human rights in order to achieve a healthy society.

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

As Catholics, we are called to pay special attention to the needs of poor people. We can follow Jesus’ example by making a specific effort to defend and promote the dignity of those who are poor or vulnerable and to meet their immediate material needs.

The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers

The Catholic Church teaches that the basic rights of workers must be respected: the right to productive work, to fair wages, and to private property, and the right to organize and join unions and to pursue economic opportunity. Moreover, Catholics believe that the economy is meant to serve people, not the other way around.


Because God is our Father, we are all brothers and sisters with the responsibility to care for one another. This spirit of solidarity unites all people whether they are rich or poor, weak or strong. It also helps to create a society that recognizes that we live in an interdependent world.

Care for God’s Creation

God is the creator of all people and all things, and he wants us to enjoy his creation. We are called to make the moral and ethical choices that protect the ecological balance of creation both locally and worldwide.


Click Image 

For our Sunday

Sabbath Guide



Watch this Video Series 

Find Intimacy with God - 

With the clear teaching and artistry of the Augustine Institute's Lectio series, Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the discipline of Lectio Divina to show you how to make prayer an effective effort of love and intimacy.


Sign up at for 

free, compliments of Church of the Assumption


11 Questions to Ask Your 

Kids instead of "How was your day? 

Building the Kingdom of God.png

We begin by Building the Kingdom of God in ourselves through prayer. We will strive to be docile to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to form us and inspire us with deeper love and desire for God. Click photo for to learn more.


Wrestling With Fear and the Mystery of Injustice: The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds (Click for Video & Spiritual Exercise)


Click Image 
See Catholic Response to Injustice


Click Image 

New Resources for:

Living the Faith at Home

during the Coronavirus

Help Us, Help Those in Need

We’d like to introduce the Assumption Cares Ministry

This ministry began because people have reached out and offered to serve.


Our goal is to connect “high-risk” people in need in the Emerson Community with people who can help.


 We hope you will help us to:

1. Get the word out to any neighbor or friend - have them call us

2. Become a Volunteer


(All Volunteers must be willing to let us share your name and phone number with a person in need)


If you have a request or would like to Volunteer, please email or call the Rectory at 201-262-1122.

We hope to have a list of “Services Needed” on 




8 Ways to Be Active in Your Faith


1. Watch Mass as a family at home at


2. Read Scripture. In addition to your Bible, a number of Catholic resources have granted free access to their online catalogs during this time. These include Liturgical Press, Magnificat and The Word Among Us. Visit their websites to see readings, reflections and more.


3. FaceTime grandparents so they can see their grandkids smiling! Send photo texts to aunts and uncles and let them know you’re thinking about them.


4. Keep yourself grounded. Visit Ascension Press for some great podcasts from Edward Sri, Father Mike Schmitz, and Father Josh.


5. Reflect on what you miss. Did you notice how much more you wanted to go to Mass when you were told you can’t? This is a time to cultivate our gratitude for the freedoms we have enjoyed our entire lives.


6. Listen. Try Relevant Radio.


7. Create with others in mind!  Nursing Homes have been hit tremendously hard. Visitors aren’t allowed and group activities have shut down. Sends notes of love and support to area seniors on lockdown because of COVID-1, email We will make sure they know you are praying for them.


8. Practice gratitude daily. Instead of focusing on what we’ve lost, be thankful for what we have.

Call Our Rectory


Call for an appointment

at 201-262-1122 

to pray or speak

with a Priest.




A Gift for You and Your Family from Church of the Assumption

Enjoy a free subscription to - an incredible online gateway to the best Catholic content,  all in one place!

With FORMED, you can:

Prepare for Sunday  Mass by watching an insightful five-minute videos 

• Enjoy movies with your family that are both nourishing  and entertaining

• Enrich your marriage with the award-winning video series Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage

• Help your children grow in character and embrace the beauty and wonder of the Faith

FORMED provides amazing  content 24/7 for you to grow in your faith.

It’s FREE and EASY to Register!

1. Go to

2. Click “Register Now”

3. Enter your name, email address, and desired password

4. That’s it! You’re all ready to access the inspiring and engaging content on FORMED! We recommend you start with Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist


Share Your Faith:
New Evangelization Ministry

Want To Help Others Grow In Their Faith Journey? 

If you have a personal relationship with Christ and want to grow closer to The Lord, we hope you will consider joining our Evangelization Committee.


This NEW Ministry will be initiating an ongoing new effort to help others grow in faith.


We ask just 1 - 2 hours of your time per month.

For more information, please call Susan Rector at 201-290-8756, or e-mail her at

Our Mission, Every Day

"Bringing the Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to You and Everyone Else.

Share the Journey, Don’t Go it Alone!"

Share Our Vision

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