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Assumption Church: Our Vision Having a Community of Unconditional Acceptance, Built on a Common Journey to Find Spiritual Fulfillment through the Gospel Values of Jesus Christ and the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Faith. You Don’t Have to Go it Alone… Join Us! ​

Our Mission

Our Mission, Every Day:

"Bringing the Power

of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

to You and Everyone Else.

Share the Journey, Don’t Go it Alone!"

Our Vision

Having a Community of Unconditional Acceptance, Built on a Common Journey to Find Spiritual Fulfillment through the Gospel Values of Jesus Christ and the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Faith. You Don’t Have to Go it Alone… Join Us!


Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Our Mission, Every Day:  "Bringing the Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to You and Everyone Else. Share the Journey, Don’t Go it Alone!"
Our Vision
Our Mission
The Pillars & Planks of Assumption

Discover the Pillars and Planks of Assumption

Our 4 Pillars: The Foundation of Assumption


Communication means always seeking to put forth our message in a way others can understand and be drawn into it.


Communication, in part, provides an opportunity for Evangelization - helping others to encounter Jesus and become an intentional disciple.


This leads to a sense of Community, of family, and the desire to join us on the journey of faith.


This encourages Stewardship, the sharing of time talent and treasure, the sharing of gifts and talents, both natural and supernatural, with our community of faith.

Assumption Church: The Foundation of our Faith is built on these four pillars

The Planks We Build With


To Know Jesus Christ means encounter him in the scriptures, in prayer, in the liturgy, and in one another.


People are touched and moved in their hearts by the Sunday experience through God’s Word proclaimed, through the music, through the homilies and through hospitality and a welcoming atmosphere, as such we strive to provide an Exceptional Sunday Experience. 


An Exceptional Sunday Experience helps people decide, as the apostles did, to follow Jesus, become invested in living the gospel and being active in our parish family - Discipleship.


Discipleship leads us to imitate Jesus and serve each other, this is called Servant Leadership, and through it we not only grow in Christ but we model what that behavior can mean to others.

Our Core Values

Our Core Values

BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS: We will always speak the truth, respect the opinions and roles of parishioners, and value each person, always maintaining Christian charity in all of our actions.

SPIRITUAL GROWTH: We will seek to increase the understanding of our Catholic faith and expand our spiritual growth by participating in and supporting charitable and spiritual activities, in addition to attending Mass and receiving the sacraments.

STEWARDSHIP: We will become involved in church activities and commit our time, talent and treasures.

INCLUSION: We will be open and inviting by extending ourselves to all by sharing in our parish life; thereby, reaffirming our vision of being actively visible in the community.


INCLUSION: We will be open and inviting by extending ourselves to all by sharing in our parish life; thereby, reaffirming our vision of being actively visible in the community.

If you would like to join Church of the Assumption Parish, call our Rectory office at 201-262-1122 

Meet Our Team

Our Pastor, Rev. Paul Cannariato

Rev. Paul A. Cannariato


Rev. John P. Ginty

Parochial Vicar

Rev. Mr. Joseph J. Paulillo

Parish Trustees


    Paul Brignola Sr.             Ray Albano Sr.



Dawn Falone - Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor

Judi Agnew - Pastoral Associate for Youth Formation

Lusi Murad - Youth Faith Formation Secretary      

Rich Beahm - Pastoral Associate Confirmation and Youth Group

Susan Rector - Pastoral Associate for Adult Faith Formation


Dr. Richard Sorce, PHD - Director of Music/Organist/Pianist


Call our Rectory at 201-262-1122


Meet the Team
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