Do you want to share your faith and love of God with others? Please join us. are you interested in becoming Catholic or do you want to explore more about the Catholic faith? Consider participating. this program is for all interested in becoming Catholic, those who have not been baptized or confirmed, or those who wish to learn more about our faith. Rite of Christian initiation of adults (RCIA) is the process through which adults carefully initiated in the Catholic faith community. Catechumens,(those who have never been baptized in the Christian Church),and Candidates (those who have been baptized and are seeking full communion into the Church) meet for prayer, reflection, scripture study and faith sharing and welcome God’s invitation to embrace life in the Catholic Christian Community. Preparation is divided into various periods that respect the individual’s journey of faith. The journey culminates with the celebration of baptism, confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. it is a sacramental process that leads to serving the mission of Jesus in the world today.